Thursday, April 26, 2012


ROCKS are being delivered to the Connolly's house next week! 
They will be spray painted and ready for painters.
The next step will be to paint the Group and Squadron patches on the rocks.
We need 4 more people to volunteer to paint a rock.
Please comment on this post or email us if you can help.
If possible we'll arrange a ROCK PARTY, if we can coordinate times 
when we are all painting together.  If not, 
people can come and go when they are able.  Supplies will all be provided.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hot Shots! (1991)

I think we need a movie night planned!  What do you say HOT SHOTS?

New Manager Needed - Airman's Attic

The MHAFB Gunfighter Attic (Airman's Attic*) is in need of a new volunteer manager. 

*All of the items at the Airman's Attic are donated and the excess is given to local charities.  Airman's Attic items are free to all military ID card holders.
The manager is responsible for:

- Ensuring the Attic is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the first Saturday of the month
- Sorting through, organizing, and displaying donated items
- Scheduling volunteers 
- Managing the day-to-day operations of the Attic

This is a volunteer position and requires a considerable time commitment.  

If you have anyone interested, please call Lyn (current Gunfighter Attic Manager) at x-4735.

Lease Signing Dates 4 On Base!


Military Family Housing will be privatized soon and Balfour Beatty Communities will become the Project Owner and our partners as they start the process to renovate, construct and manage all family housing as part of the Air Force's larger initiative to eliminate inadequate housing.

Before this takes effect, residents will be given the opportunity to attend an Information Forum which will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. May 21 at the Gunfighter Service Center. The Information Forum will be followed by three Lease Signing Forums from May 22 to 24 to sign a Tenant Lease Agreement to live in privatized housing or move off base.  

Base housing residents will have the opportunity to sign their new leases on the day designated by the first letter in their last name as follows:

Tuesday, May 22 - Lease Signing, 2 to 6 p.m. (A-E) Wednesday, May 23 - Leasing Signing, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (F-O) Thursday, May 24 - Lease Signing, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (P-Z)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the housing office at 828-2612 or 828-2613. Additional information and facts regarding our housing privatization initiative can be found at

Thank you,

MHAFB and BBC Housing Office

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Medic Cowboy

At Jin's going away...  We sure will miss you Jin.  Thank you for all that you did to help make the Hot Shots great :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Please Join Us in Saying Good-bye...

to Col Connolly & Eve.  Their going away will be held at the Gunfighter Club on Friday, May 11.  A fun evening is planned to celebrate their time here at MHAFB.  

Group cc CoC is Tues, May 22 is at 10am.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is really a FUN event for all spouses whether you are new to AF or base.  I laughed so hard - the time flew!  Consider going...

Heart Link, spouse orientation...
27 Apr 12, 0830-1400 (2 pm)
call 828-2458 to register

Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome to the Medical Spouses Group page!  We are excited about launching this blog for the group!  We will be posting event information, spotlight articles of various spouses, important information,  pictures from events and much more.  Be sure to enter your email address on the right hand side of the blog and an email will be sent to you whenever there is a new post.

Again, if you are interested in serving on the leadership team this coming year, contact us at  We still have a variety of positions open.  There will be a casual meeting on Tues, April 24 from 12-1:30 at Heather E.'s house for all spouses interested in serving.  Children are welcome.